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In About Ten Minutes Your Life Could Change Forever…

Deep down in your heart, would you consider yourself to be a good person?
Most people like you probably do good things, say good words, and think good thoughts. However…

Would you be shocked if it could be proven by your own admission, that you were NOT a good person?

Most of us think we are good because we apply our own standard of “goodness.”
In other words, we say to ourselves, “I’m a good person because I’m not as bad as them.”
Everyone has their own standard of what is good. But ultimately, there is only one standard that counts, and that’s God’s standard.
If you think you’re a good person, answer a few easy questions to prove it to yourself once and for all. If you pass, you’ll feel good about yourself – so what do you have to lose?

People lie without thinking about it. They exaggerate in order to give an impression about themselves or someone else. They tell half of the truth instead of telling the whole truth. They tell stories to cover up what they’ve done or to shift blame. People even lie to themselves. What do you call someone who tells lies? (Hint: it starts with “L”) You only have to commit one murder to be called a murderer. Therefore, a person only has to tell one lie to be called a liar. So be reasonable. What does that make you?

Regardless of its value or when you did it, stealing is stealing.
People download music and movies from the internet and don’t pay for them. They illegally use copyrighted material. They steal time and things from their employers. They “borrow” things without permission. They cheat on their taxes. What do you call people who steal? What does that make you?
Remember the times you got upset or excited and said, “OMG” or “I swear to G-d!” Do you know what you’ve done? You have taken God’s Holy name and used it in a disrespectful way. God calls that blasphemy.

Jesus said if you look with lust, it’s the same as adultery in your heart (Matthew 5:27-29). Think about the times you have done that.

Friend, based on just 4 of the Ten Commandments – How did you do? There are 6 more Commandments. Are you guilty of breaking any of them?

I John 1:10 says, “If we say that we have not sinned, we make him [God] a liar.” God isn’t lying. So be reasonable and admit you have sinned against Him…


All liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone.
Revelation 21:8

Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.
I Corinthians 6:10

The truth is, you are not a good person. You are just like the rest of us. God judges us by the Ten Commandments and His judgment is just. You are guilty in the courtroom of Heaven and will go into the Lake of Fire! Does that concern you? Perhaps you’ve seen or heard the statement, “Only God can judge me.” That thought ought to terrify you!

Dear friend, you are in terrible danger. If your heart stopped right now, you would die and go into the Lake of Fire (God’s jail) for breaking His divine laws! One by one on the Day of Judgment your crimes against God (seen and unseen) will be recalled and He will sentence you to suffer for all of eternity! But, although you are guilty, God doesn’t want you to go to Hell! HE WANTS YOU TO LIVE!

God became a man; His name is Jesus. He suffered the punishment that you deserve for breaking God’s Laws.

Think of it like this…Imagine someone stepping in to pay a big fine you were unable to pay. Based on that, the judge could legally set you free. Jesus Christ paid your “big fine” by dying a cruel death on the cross and shedding His precious blood. On the 3rd day He came back from the dead by His own power – defeating death! Jesus’ death and resurrection was a legal transaction being made for you. Based on what Jesus did, God can now legally dismiss your case in the Courtroom of Heaven and set you free!

Someone once said, “There’s nothing sure in this world but death and taxes.” That’s not true. People get out of paying their taxes all the time. But one thing is sure. You can’t escape death.

It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.
Hebrews 9:27

Physical death is proof that God hates sin, but Jesus died in your place. What you must do is repent. This means you have remorse and regret for your sin and want to turn from it. You know your sin is wrong and have a deep desire to be forgiven. If you realize the plane you’re on will crash, you will stop what you’re doing and turn to a parachute. But it’s not enough to turn to the parachute. You must put the parachute on! You won’t survive without it!

Is there something inside of you that fears going to Hell forever? Then trust in Jesus – He’s the ONLY parachute that will save you from the “plane-crash of death” that is to come!

Jesus said in John 10:9, “I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved.

He also said in John 11:26, “Whosoever believeth in me shall never die.”

Again in Mark 1:15, Jesus said, “The kingdom of God is at hand: repent and believe the Gospel.

Think about the day you die. In the final moments of your earthly life what would you feel – total trust or total terror? I was terrified at the thought of dying and going to Hell. Do you know what I did? I got right with God! I confessed my sins to God! From my heart, I turned from my sins – like running from a deadly and disease infested house of rats!

What is keeping you from repenting and trusting in Jesus? Don’t delay another moment! Forsake your sins and ask Christ to save you from Hell and He will!

You may have failed the good person quiz, but if you turn from your sins and trust alone in Jesus, you will be given the gift of eternal life in Heaven!

The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 6:23

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